More bargains AND Are you a Normanite

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

YOU cannot escape this, the last one we will ever sell. what a bargain,want to improve your playing then this is for you,or an ideal Chrissie pressie

more bargains online,

look out soon for the last of our bagpipes and accessories stock,

Now are you a Normanite, a descendant of these brave souls that travelled with the Rev Norman Mcleod, (17 September 1780 – 14 March 1866), he was a Presbyterian minister from Scotland who led a significant settlement of Highlanders to Nova Scotia and finally to Waipu, New Zealand.

then let me have your interest now.

we are retracing these ancestors steps again next year in another tour.

full details available from me or phone me.0800 HAGGIS. I am working on the best dates to go, looks like people favour early September



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